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 A man only needs an open mind to advance in this Fraternity until the day he may be called to offer his talents for something constructive and beneficial to society.


Encouraging camaraderie among men to advance the human condition; striving to establish a Brotherhood based on mutual trust, respect, and appreciation.


The Prince Rite is founded on the principle of maintaining secrecy in all aspects of our internal organization. We offer various Degrees for men serious about achieving something greater than themselves.


The Degrees pursued under the Prince's Rite are conferred based on the actual work a man achieves with his friends. No person will be able to advance in the Brotherhood through his own merits.

Being a Brother

Our Core Identity

The title of Brother is a distinction that, once given, cannot be stripped or taken away. The Prince Rite substantiates that all prospective candidates seeking full participation within our Brotherhood is adequately known and well versed in the principles guiding our objectives and mission.

The Importance of Secrecy

The Prince Rite does not boast or promote membership, dues, activities, requirements, or ceremonies. There are no initiation fees associated with joining.


The effectiveness of any fraternity revolves around the mystic that exists regarding its reputation. The men involved within the Prince Rite deliberately withhold publishing too many details in order to protect the integrity of the journey to the men who desire meaningful achievements with their brethren.


The only way to learn more to take a leap of faith and explore the journey!

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